Refolding the map, you thank the driver and hop into the back of the wagon. "We'll be there before drak." The wagon speeds up as the man taps each fitharin on the fanks. On the way the man, Tegail, discusses what inns and stores are located in Linayaa. "Fitharins as you can see, stand on two legs, their tails are used for balance while running. They are used as riding animals and pack animals.They are my villages main economic industry. Fitharin are usually cheaper than horses, their gaits are less comfortable but they have good endurance.Tershan on another Alskyr island, first discovered them. I found a herd grazing with our goats and starting domesticating and selling them. They usually come normal horse colors like bay." He says as he pulls on the reins to slow the team. The first houses soon start to appear as you near the village square. You climb off the wagon and thank Tegail before heading off to explore