
Myseu & Lhrth

H'ong & Neisaijth
Fos & Eljerth
V'yoh & Yohshoth
V'dav & Luunebith
Heyz & Elth
Myseu & Lhrth
Lamae & Hadath
W'uq & Jeyeth
Eryx & Sipirith
A'sho & Nejaryuth
J'kuj & Oyovath
A'pa & Taith
Chying & Uweshaith




Name : Myseu

Bonded At : Alabaster

Bonded To : Lhrth

Age : 20

Rank : Dragonrider

Gender : Female

Species : Human

Height : 5'5"

Skin : Well-Tanned

Hair : Salt and Pepper (wavy, falls to top back)

Eyes : Light Blue

Father : Bluerider H'gen

Mother : Bluerider Geina

Siblings : Several Half-Sibs (on both sides)

Place of Birth : Alskyr

Physical Description : very overweight, obese, They're average in looks. 

Personality :Literacy Level: are unable to read and write
Politeness Level: their politeness extends to everyone around them
Focus: if focus had a name, this character's would be it
They're average in looks
They are neither truly giving or selfish
Values and Goals
Enjoys deeply: a friend
Is very happy with: cold places
Low goal: raise children (even if they aren't theirs)
Practically nonexistant fear: the light places
Overwhelming like: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Felt Very strongly in favor of being a dragonrider like parent(s)

She's sad to be shipped off to a new world with her dragon.

History : specializing in delivery duty - items
Searched: shortly before Standing
Impressed 8 years ago
Before riding, was a Rider Born child (parents: a Bluerider pair, mother and father both)
Age at Impression: 12, born on Alskyr
Siblings: several half siblings on either side of their family, typical of Weyr riders
Born: last Legitimacy: born in a single-parent home
Fostered due to: mother died




Name : Lhrth

Gender :

Age :

Color :

Race :

Size :

Abilities :

Dam :

Sire :

Physical Description :


Originated At :