W'uq & Jeyeth
H'ong & Neisaijth
Fos & Eljerth
V'yoh & Yohshoth
V'dav & Luunebith
Heyz & Elth
Myseu & Lhrth
Lamae & Hadath
W'uq & Jeyeth
Eryx & Sipirith
A'sho & Nejaryuth
J'kuj & Oyovath
A'pa & Taith
Chying & Uweshaith




Name : W'uq

Bonded At : Blackstone Weyr

Bonded To : Jeyeth

Age : 26

Rank : Dragonrider

Gender : Male

Species : Human

Height : 6'

Skin : Cobalt

Hair : Darkly brown (hardly wavy, cut short to ears)

Eyes : Hazel Gold

Father : Erahen

Mother : Ulysa (deceased)

Siblings : 3

Place of Birth : Alskyr

Physical Description :  a moderately tall person, Build: thin as a twig,They are not terribly attractive.

Personality : Literacy Level: are illiterate
Politeness Level: they are very polite and proper at all times
Focus: they carefully attend to details
They often share with their friends
Values and Goals
Dislikes: their pitch or singing voice
Hates: the light places
Moderate goal: travel
Strong fear: being being alone
Very strong hatred: a friend
He's glowingly happy to be shipped off to a new world with his dragon.
History : specializing in time navigation.

Searched: just a few days before the Hatching
Impressed 9 years ago 

Before riding, was a Wanderer

Legitimacy: born in a single-parent home
Age at Impression: 17, born on Alskyr
Siblings: 3
Born: in the middle 



Name : Jeyeth

Gender :

Age :

Color :

Race :

Size :

Abilities :

Dam :

Sire :

Physical Description :


Originated At :