Chying & Uweshaith
H'ong & Neisaijth
Fos & Eljerth
V'yoh & Yohshoth
V'dav & Luunebith
Heyz & Elth
Myseu & Lhrth
Lamae & Hadath
W'uq & Jeyeth
Eryx & Sipirith
A'sho & Nejaryuth
J'kuj & Oyovath
A'pa & Taith
Chying & Uweshaith


Chying is a female rider specializing in combat with weapons
Height: an average-height person, Build: pudgy
Skin: ruddy, Hair: salt and pepper, Hairstyle: tightly curled, to waist, Eyes: dark brown

Searched: privately, to avoid any trouble, not too long before Standing
Impressed 4 years ago

Before riding, was a Commoner, House Born child
Age at Impression: 14, born on Alskyr
Siblings: 3
Born: last
plus one unexpected younger half-sibling from their mother's indescretions
Legitimacy: born in a happily married family
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: everyone knows them as a rude person
Focus: they enjoy their work well enough but they love to play more often
This character is certainly one of the best looking folks around
They give and take without thinking of consequences of either

Values and Goals
Is very happy with: their mother
Dislikes: hot places
Overwhelming goal: build or create
Weak fear: being being alone
Passionately hates: being being with people

She's leaving lovers behind to be shipped off to a new world with her dragon.